
Sunday, November 4, 2018

Cool Stuff I Got Because I Bitched (Volume One)

One thing I've learned from crippledom is that it pays to bitch, sometimes. Actually, a lot of times you bitch and bitch and it doesn’t do any good. But you never know when bitching might pay off, so you might as well take a shot.

I’ve gotten a lot of cool stuff that I wouldn’t have gotten if I hadn’t bitched. Here’s some of it:

An upgrade to the President Taft Suite at the Brown Palace Hotel in Denver: And I got it for the Holiday Inn price. I went to Denver so I made a reservation at a chain hotel. I think it was a Holiday Inn. And when I got there my room was the worst excuse I ever saw for a cripple accessible room. And I’ve seen some doozies.

So I went down to the front desk and I bitched. And in order to make it up to me, they set me up with a suite at the Brown Palace Hotel down the street. I don’t know who paid the sizable difference in price but it wasn’t me so I don’t care.

The Brown Palace opened in 1892. It’s one of those elegant old hotels with a majestic, marble staircase and lots of lattice work.

The suite was roomy and warm and comfy. I called it the President Taft suite. That wasn’t the name of it but I called it that because staying there made me feel like President Taft for some reason. The suite just had that certain President Taft décor and air. It seemed like the kind of place Taft would’ve stayed if he went to Denver.

It beat the hell out a cramped room at the Holiday Inn.

A Free Sleeper car on AMTRAK : I made a reservation to get to Indianapolis on AMTRAK. But when I got to the train station I learned that some genius at AMTRAK cancelled the train and sent all the passengers to Indy on a bus instead. The bus had a lift on it but there was only one space for a wheelchair inside the bus and some other cripple beat me to it.

So I was SOL and there wasn’t another train to Indy for 24 hours.

So I bitched. Oh sweet Lord did I bitch. I bitched up a hurricane! So the AMTRAK lady set me up for free on the train leaving soon for New Orleans. The closest it came to Indianapolis was Effingham, Illinois, which meant somebody had to drive two hours there from Indy to pick me up. But it was the best I could get without waiting until the next day so I took it, especially after the AMTRAK lady threw in a free sleeper car, food and drinks to sweeten the pot.

I put my feet up on the bed in the sleeper car and ordered their most expensive meal and champagne. The only bummer was that it only took about three hours to get to Effingham, so I had to eat, sleep and relax fast.

But all this goes to show that good things come to those who bitch. I believe it says that in the Bible.

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Crip. I'm glad you bitch. It's a pain bitching--but sometimes they figure out that they're pissing off the wrong people. Yesterday, I was denied reasonable accomodations at the Calif Department of Motor Vehicles, in their office in El Cerrito--about five miles from Berkeley, Calif, which is (as I'm sure you know, the birth place of the modern disability rights movement.) I quietly requested accomodations. At least five times, not counting the two phone calls confirming the accomodations *before* my appointment. I basically let the DMV clerks hang themselves. One of the clerks finally started screaming at me. She basically let the 10 employees and 75 or so people in the room know that she was "sick of your 'reasonable accomodations!'" She tried to make me take the written test, in retaliation for my requesting accomodations--which the initial letter from the DMV said I didn't have to do this year. She screamed that she thought I was crazy and thus should not be operating a motor vehicle. (Calif has pretty strict laws about quacks claiming to be health care providers...) Anyway, I've got an appointment with a disability rights lawyer. I think the DMV will find out pretty soon that they pissed off the wrong people! Keep up the great work. California Crip
