Monday, October 21, 2024

No Ordinary Cripple

The traffic noise at the busy intersection was quite loud, so I couldn’t hear everything that the voice coming from behind me was saying.

 I was headed home, one of my pit crew members walking along beside me. I refer to the crew of people that I’ve hired to help me do everyday things, like getting in and out of bed and getting dressed, as my pit crew.

Anyway, we had just crossed the busy intersection when I heard a voice coming from behind me say, “….. Stephen Hawkins?... Superman?,,,”

When the voice stopped, I asked my pit crew guy if he heard what the voice said. My pit crew guy said that as we passed a guy who was panhandling, the guy looked at me hard and said to him, “Hey, man, didn’t Stephen Hawkins have one of those things? Didn’t Superman have one, too?”

 I assumed that the panhandler was referring not just to my motorized wheelchair but to my blower. I have this attachment that I put on my chair that makes it possible for me to drive it by blowing into a straw. It makes it a whole lot easier for me to navigate the uncertain terrain outside of my home than by trying to drive my chair by pushing the joystick with my hand. The polite name for it is a sip and puff device. But I just call mine my blower.

But the reason that I thought the panhandler was referring specifically to my blower was because there once was a time, not long ago, when the mere sight of a cripple driving around in a motorized wheelchair by pushing a joystick with their hand was enough to stir up  everyone’s curiosity. But things have gotten to the point where I see such cripples out on the streets pretty much every day. So I figured that this panhandler must have seen plenty of those ordinary cripples before, being that he spends all day out on the streets. It’s the nature of his work. I bet that guy has seen everything.

But I can’t remember ever seeing another cripple on the street who was driving their motorized wheelchair by using a  blower. So the only way even a worldly guy like the panhandler probably would ever see a cripple using a blower would be on television (Stephen Hawking) or in a movie (Christopher Reeve, aka Superman).

I guess I’m no ordinary cripple.

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