Saturday, September 21, 2024

Not a Cripple-Friendly Town

As I drifted around the grocery store that was far away from home, I kept getting dirty looks. But all I was doing was minding my own business and trying to pick up a few groceries. So I said to myself,” Damn, this sure is not a cripple-friendly town.”

I’m going to name names here because I think it’s important that the truth be told. The town I’m talking about is Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin, which is a little bit north of Green Bay.

And people kept looking at me as if they deeply resented my very existence in their space. I’m not used to that because it seems to me like most people are able to maintain a tight poker face when they unexpectedly encounter a cripple. If they feel alarmed they are able to  pretend like they didn’t even notice you were there. But not these people. No sir. They made no secret of the fact that they didn’t want me there.

But maybe that’s a good thing because at least they’re being honest. In a lot of places, people are afraid to admit that cripples and crippledness make them feel uncomfortable so they put on a fake smile or act like they don’t see you. Thus, a lot of cripples have a hard time relaxing around unfamiliar verts  (which is what I call people who walk because it’s short for vertical). These cripples are always wondering if the smiles and the body language of the verts are telling the truth.

Personally, I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t care if I make a vert feel uncomfortable. Life is too short to worry about that. I figure if they don’t like me being there they can leave.

In fact, I almost shouted out something like, “If you people don’t like it, you can all shove it!” But then a woman said something to me that made me feel real stupid.  She said, “Hey, what’s that! A Bears jersey!” As she walked past me, she playfully punched my shoulder and cackled out a laugh.

I forgot that I was wearing a Chicago Bears jersey in the heart of Packer country.

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