Sunday, September 29, 2024

Morally Inconsistent

 Maybe I should be out there trying to get pregnant women to drink lots of alcohol. That way there would probably be more babies born crippled. (Author’s note: There’s a condition known as Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, where a kid is born crippled because their mother drank alcohol during pregnancy. I don’t doubt that this condition exists, but I do wonder why I’ve never met any of these kinds of cripples. Because I thought I’d met every imaginable genre of cripple. I’ve met bleeders and autistics and spastics and CPs and MSers and two kinds of MDs, muscular dystrophy and macular degeneration. So you’d think that by now I would’ve met an FAS cripple or at least somebody who knows one. Oh well, I guess I will someday.)

Or maybe I should be one of those antivaxxers that tries to get everyone to not get vaccinated otherwise they might end up with autism or with a computer chip implanted in them so that their every move can be monitored by the government and/or Bill Gates. That way diseases like polio might make a comeback, thus creating more cripples (Author’s note: I am currently an antivaxxer, but only when I see a sign at a pharmacy trying to get me to come in and get vaccinated. I always say no thanks to that because I figure that the reason they’re making a big deal about getting vaccinated is not because I really need it  but because vaccinating people must make them a lot of money. I ask my doctor what shots I really need and I get those he tells me I should get,)

It would be stupid for me to do either of those things mentioned above, but isn’t that the way for me to be morally consistent? I mean, I go around now trying to get people to see that being a cripple is nothing to be ashamed of, that we deserve to be respected and celebrated for who we are.

That’s why I hate cure campaigns. I think they usually reinforce the message that being crippled is nothing but hell and so the best thing we all can do for the poor cripples is cure them so their lives won’t be nothing but hell anymore.

But isn’t it hypocritical of me to object so strongly to efforts to get rid of all of the cripples by curing us ali but not by trying to prevent us from becoming cripples in the first place? Shouldn’t my attitude in regards to cripples be the more the merrier?  Shouldn’t I be leaving a trail of banana peels behind me everywhere I go?

But I guess that somewhere deep down inside I must know that even if prevention campaigns are 100 percent successful, there will always be cripples among us. So its okay to be morally inconsistent.

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