Friday, February 28, 2025

Free Meals

 Another good thing about being crippled is that you get a lot of free meals out of the deal, if you play your cards right. 

It has happened to me many  times. One time I was eating alone in a Greek restaurant and when it came time for me to pay the waiter told me that someone had picked up my check for me. I wondered who that could be. I looked around and I saw an older guy across the room who was also sitting at a table alone. He held up his water goblet and toasted me. I thought about toasting him back to say thank you. But then I wondered if he might be some kind of pervert and the reason he bought my dinner was not because I was crippled but because he thought I was cute. Or, even worse, maybe he thought I was cute because I’m crippled. So I just let it be.

And then there was the  time that I went to the pub  I frequented often. This other crippled guy frequented it often, too. But he wasn’t a wheelchair cripple. He was what everybody used to call retarded.  (Don’t call them that anymore.} I don’t know what genre he was of. I just assume that he wasn’t Down Syndrome because they all look alike and he didn’t look like any of them.

Anyway,  he was always alone. He sat at the bar a lot and I never saw him talking to anybody else. But one day he came and  sat at my table with me. We ate and drank and didn’t talk much. And when the check came he snatched it up and walked away. But a little while later the server returned with the unpaid check. He said that that guy often drops checks on the bar without any money and  leaves. And I ended up paying the whole damn thing!

Now there was a cripple who really knew how to play his cards when it came to scoring free meals.

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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

The Association of Future Blind Cab Drivers

 I used to think that those people who complain all the time about diversity were just a bunch of stupid  whiners. Why were they so threatened by the prospect of someone other than a bunch of white, Christian, heterosexual, uncrippled males always being in charge of everything? Why did they always jump to the conclusion that anyone else’s gain is necessarily their loss?

But now I’m not so sure, not since I heard about the  AFBCD. That stands for the Association of Future Blind Cab Drivers. This organization claims that it represents “the thousands of legally blind Americans who aspire to be professional cab drivers.”

The founder and CEO of the AFBCD is a militant blind man named Andrew Crapola. In an exclusive interview with Smart Ass Cripple, he said, “Let's face it.  Cab driving is a profession that has completely shut out blind people. And that’s because of the pernicious stereotypes that has always prohibited blind people from driving motor vehicles just because we can’t see.

 “But the freedom fighters of the AFBCD say , ‘So what if we can’t see. Everyone knows that driving a cab is a very glamorous thing to do. And if a blind person wants to drive a cab, we  believe that it is their inalienable right to be able to do so. Neither the government nor anyone else can tell us what we can do with our own bodies.’

“So we spend a lot of our time lobbying legislators, trying to get them to lower standards so that blind people can someday realize our dream of becoming cab drivers. That’s the key to achieving true diversity: lowering standards.”

If the AFBCD succeeds in accomplishing their mission, Lord help us all! Whenever you get into a cab, you’ll always have to make sure that your driver is indeed a white, Christian, heterosexual, uncrippled male. If not, get out fast!

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