If you see a single-family home that was built to be accessible for a wheelchair cripple, you know that either a) someone who lives there is a wheelchair cripple or b) someone who is important to someone who lives there is a wheelchair cripple.
I suppose it’s also slightly possible that whoever lives there is neither a wheelchair cripple nor gives a particular crap about anyone who is but they bought the house anyway because it was super cheap. And the reason it was super cheap is because it was built to be accessible for a wheelchair cripple. Making a house accessible for a wheelchair cripple lowers the value of that house and all the other houses around it, or at least that’s what a lot of people seem to think.
You'd think it would be the other way around. You'd think being wheelchair cripple accessible would be as much of a selling point for a house as an outdoor patio. When my Aunt Gerry bought a condo, she bought one that my sister and I could get into with our wheelchairs. And it turned out to be a damn good thing that she did because she ended up needing a wheelchair to get around eventually. The one thing she wanted more than anything else was to stay out of a fucking nursing home and she did. But if her condo hadn’t been wheelchair cripple accessible, she would’ve been screwed.
You’d think everybody would want to do sensible shit like that. Build houses where wheelchair cripple access is a standard feature, just in case. Why not? What does it hurt? But most people seem to think that when building or buying a house, the more wheelchair cripple inaccessible it is the better.
I think what’s going on here is an evil spirits type of thing. Sometimes people put grotesques or gargoyles or voodoo-looking scarecrow thingies on or around their houses to scare away evil spirits. It seems like a lot of people think that making wheelchair cripples feel unwelcome will make crippledness itself feel unwelcome and thus dissuade it from invading the household. I’m surprised they don't put tire-shredding spikes by the front door, as an extra line of defense.
But then, in spite of all that effort, someone in the household becomes crippled anyway and then they’re screwed. Because you can’t scare crippledness away. But you can outsmart it.
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Dear SMC,
ReplyDeleteThis is sort of a good news, bad news kind of post.
The good part: I'm in the process of selling my Dad's house. Because my wife is a wheelchair rider and and Mom used a wheelchair on occasion the home was designed with many access features and no basement. Normally, the lack of a basement would lower the value of the home, but my realtor tells me that the fact the place is accessible will compensate for the lack of basement space. Accessibility actually increased the value of the home.
The bad part: Recently, Saint Jude Children's Hospital partnered with local building contractors to build the St. Jude's Dream Home to raffle off as a fundraiser. Imagine my chagrin to learn that the "Dream Home" is completely inaccessible. The promotion for this project says' "Every ticket helps St. Jude kids and the mission of St. Jude: Finding cures. Saving children." I guess that doesn't include kids with mobility limitations. Better get cured quick St. Jude kids or you're screwed (or at least not welcome in our Dream Home).